1.   Yet this unassuming treatise, written by Amelia Simmons, is a giant in culinary history.

2.   As a critic and a student of culinary history, I know that food and national identity are inseparable.

3.   But, you may ask, what is culinary history?

4.   Chefs always work in mysterious ways, but their romance with celery root is one of the oddest in recent culinary history.

5.   Cookie treats and tales of spice history are delicious ways to promote culinary history for children on vacation.

6.   From the coconut cream pie with its waving peaks of meringue to the salsa as a condiment, our whole culinary history is on display.

7.   In one of the more stunning misnomers in culinary history, the butt is not the rump but rather the shoulder of the animal.

8.   In fact, reunion potlucks have been key to preserving and passing on family culinary history.

9.   On European night, bratwurst made an appearance, and on Spanish night, the culinary history of Spain was encapsulated by the presence of a chorizo.

10.   She has organized the book geographically, with each chapter beginning with a culinary history of the region and a description of ingredients common or unique to the area.

a. + history >>共 692
long 8.26%
american 7.22%
recent 6.91%
family 4.01%
modern 2.74%
medical 2.04%
olympic 1.53%
human 1.51%
personal 1.48%
political 1.24%
culinary 0.14%
culinary + n. >>共 448
school 4.71%
tradition 3.07%
art 2.87%
delight 2.46%
skill 2.25%
adventure 1.84%
history 1.74%
world 1.43%
historian 1.33%
use 1.23%
每页显示:    共 17