1.   They attended the Reception afterwards when each organisation was presented with a beautifully engraved crystal goblet to mark the great occasion.

2.   But he listens as Jiri describes the Bohemian crystal wine goblets that his mother happens to have for sale, should Luthie want them to give as Christmas gifts.

3.   Diaper bags, monitor necklaces for babies and plastic sippy cups shaped like crystal goblets are not the usual offerings at the international furniture fair here.

4.   He looks as fragile as a crystal wine goblet, those skinny arms and legs like stems that could easily be broken.

5.   Heavy crystal goblets.

6.   Her clear crystal goblets ringed in red, the ones from which her children once sipped apple cider and from which they now sip Chardonnay.

7.   Hewes serves his juleps in a crystal goblet with ice hand-cracked for each drink.

8.   The story is simply told but has the clarity of a crystal goblet.

9.   They would layer them in tall crystal goblets and line them up at the table.

10.   Brad Faxon had to work hard for those crystal goblets.

n. + goblet >>共 9
crystal 52.63%
water 10.53%
art 5.26%
baluster 5.26%
enamel 5.26%
half-full 5.26%
liquidizer 5.26%
onyx 5.26%
production 5.26%
crystal + n. >>共 177
chandelier 15.40%
globe 6.04%
glass 5.07%
structure 4.29%
trophy 4.09%
water 3.31%
bowl 2.92%
vase 2.53%
bead 2.14%
goblet 1.95%
每页显示:    共 10