1.   - Crushed candy bars.

2.   After baking you could spread the bars with different melted chocolates and top with crushed candies like toffee, peanut brittle and the like.

3.   Fill cut-out centers of cards with enough crushed candy to evenly fill holes.

4.   Fill each cutout with crushed candy.

5.   For the final touch before serving, top pies with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream, a drizzle of fudge or caramel sauce or crushed candy.

6.   Repeat the layers and top with the remaining crushed candy.

7.   Sprinkle with a little crushed candy and serve.

a. + candy >>共 243
hard 10.20%
chocolate 7.54%
small 2.66%
free 1.55%
crushed 1.55%
little 1.55%
homemade 1.55%
colored 1.33%
selling 1.33%
cinnamon 1.11%
crushed + n. >>共 222
stone 7.58%
ice 5.91%
garlic 3.51%
car 3.51%
pineapple 2.96%
velvet 2.77%
rock 2.77%
skull 1.85%
tomato 1.48%
leg 1.48%
candy 1.29%
每页显示:    共 7