1.   But, people in Pozarevac say, the son and his associates lorded over the town like a mafia, crushing dissent, at times brutally.

2.   He added that Milosevic understands the complacency of his people, and hasslowly crushed dissent.

3.   If Mas Santos did crush dissent, it was something his father taught him.

4.   In the past, Saddam has successfully crushed internal dissent by killing or jailing his opponents.

5.   Political analysts say the Bahraini army, dominated by the minority Sunni Muslims, has the muscle to crush dissent by the more numerous Shias.

6.   The new state survived only by crushing dissent, spending its foreign exchange reserves and tapping into fierce, age-old Persian nationalism.

7.   The military dictators of earlier eras crushed dissent.

8.   They give lip service to an open society, but crush dissent.

9.   They forced most citizens to speak Afrikaans and crushed dissent.

10.   Though he often crushed dissent with prison terms or executions, Syrian public opinion still mattered.

v. + dissent >>共 149
suppress 13.64%
stifle 9.43%
tolerate 8.13%
crush 5.95%
write 4.35%
silence 2.61%
join 2.61%
brook 2.47%
face 2.18%
express 2.03%
crush + n. >>共 518
rebellion 4.24%
rebel 3.84%
car 3.15%
dissent 2.35%
revolt 2.01%
skull 1.78%
uprising 1.72%
movement 1.66%
resistance 1.60%
opposition 1.60%
每页显示:    共 41