1.   Although single virtual actors can help train individuals, some organizations are using virtual humans in groups to try to model crowd psychology.

2.   As a result, Leung said, Hong Kong is a place where crowd psychology is particularly apparent.

3.   Financial bubbles, those dangerous combinations of crowd psychology and alluring, wispy investment offers, have a long and painful past.

4.   He said it seemed to be more a function of crowd psychology.

n. + psychology >>共 52
investor 20.83%
child 14.58%
market 10.42%
sport 10.42%
consumer 4.86%
crowd 2.78%
medium 1.39%
color 1.39%
group 1.39%
dime-store 1.39%
crowd + n. >>共 266
control 14.57%
favorite 9.24%
noise 6.44%
trouble 5.79%
scene 3.83%
support 3.55%
violence 3.55%
estimate 3.17%
reaction 2.43%
size 1.77%
psychology 0.37%
每页显示:    共 4