1.   The crowd looted and burned a hotel, shops and a home where they said alcohol was sold.

2.   The crowd then looted the building, removing computers, televisions and even vacuum cleaners.

3.   As the country sank into anarchy in March, angry crowds looted state armories and carted away hundreds of thousands of weapons.

4.   Berisha declared a state of emergency Sunday after crowds looted arms from state arsenals.

5.   Berisha declared the state of emergency Sunday after crowds looted arms from state arsenals.

6.   During the intervention, angry crowds looted stores, stoned cars and set government buildings and shopping centers afire.

7.   In a chaotic revolt against Berisha, angry crowds looted state armories.

8.   Security broke down almost completely in Vlora, where state television reported that crowds had looted an arsenal.

9.   Several houses where the presumed sorcerers tried to take refuge were wrecked and looted by crowds, authorities said.

10.   State television reported that crowds had looted an arsenal in Vlora.

n. + loot >>共 102
troop 14.51%
soldier 13.46%
mob 5.80%
rebel 3.69%
crowd 2.90%
civilian 2.11%
people 2.11%
militiaman 2.11%
protester 1.85%
hundred 1.85%
crowd + v. >>共 814
be 14.88%
gather 5.98%
roar 3.24%
cheer 3.18%
begin 2.46%
go 2.09%
boo 1.70%
disperse 1.59%
give 1.47%
grow 1.36%
loot 0.14%
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