1.   McMillan has given voice to a generation of middle-class black women and found a huge crossover audience in the process.

2.   Crossover audiences, like pops-concert audiences, rarely take the bait and subscribe to symphony orchestra seasons.

3.   Her lack of racial polemic has earned her a crossover audience, but also heat from some black critics.

4.   The distributor also hoped for a significant crossover audience.

5.   The network hopes to generate advertising revenue by telecasting some programs intended to draw large white crossover audiences.

6.   These three CDs, despite their flaws, represent a decided improvement over what crossover audiences have come to expect from their favorite artists.

7.   Whether it will continue to do well depends a great deal on whether it attracts a crossover audience.

8.   Yet reaching a crossover audience is crucial for the studios.

9.   Strait might lack the crossover audiences some country stars seem to aim for, but no one can beat him for authenticity.

n. + audience >>共 284
television 24.46%
target 12.77%
core 3.80%
movie 3.53%
courtroom 2.17%
preview 2.17%
radio 1.90%
niche 1.70%
test 1.43%
theater 1.15%
crossover 0.61%
crossover + n. >>共 117
dribble 12.16%
appeal 10.03%
vote 5.17%
vehicle 4.86%
success 4.56%
voter 3.65%
artist 3.34%
hit 3.04%
move 2.74%
audience 2.74%
每页显示:    共 9