1.   At the core of the issue is the determination of critical habitat.

2.   Basically, if there are no pygmy owls present, a private landowner can turn his critical habitat into a parking lot.

3.   Before critical habitat can be designated, an analysis of the resulting social and economic impacts must be made.

4.   He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.

5.   If the project were determined not to damage critical habitat, then the Corps could move forward.

6.   The designation of critical habitat lays at the heart of this battle.

7.   When critical habitat is designated, it does not mean federal agents in unmarked helicopters start circling private property.

8.   Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in Deciding critical habitat.

9.   And many species would certainly become extinct because Young-Pombo would no longer require the protection of critical habitats.

10.   Areas designated as critical habitat are subject to somewhat greater regulation than other habitat, particularly with regard to funding, permit decisions and other activities of federal agencies.

a. + habitat >>共 258
natural 24.80%
critical 4.77%
native 3.49%
new 2.91%
important 1.86%
suitable 1.75%
animal 1.75%
prime 1.40%
different 1.28%
salmon 1.16%
critical + n. >>共 1206
condition 26.79%
issue 2.54%
time 2.30%
role 1.76%
moment 1.72%
factor 1.19%
question 1.19%
report 1.13%
acclaim 1.01%
part 1.00%
habitat 0.42%
每页显示:    共 41