1.   Despite such incidents, photocopies of articles critical of Niyazov circulate anyway, as do jokes that reflect the public mood.

2.   American journalists write critical articles about the government every day with little fear that their stories will not result in harsh reprisals.

3.   And over the last year, the group has also been the subject of critical articles in The Washington Post and The Jerusalem Report, an Israeli magazine.

4.   And Friday morning, Lukas cursed and threatened two reporters from a local newspaper who have written articles critical of him.

5.   And they are relying on surrogates to take on Starr directly while indirectly suggesting their concerns and pointing out articles critical of the independent counsel.

6.   Anson, who wrote the critical magazine article quoting Geffen, reportedly is at work on an unflattering biography of Eisner, soon to be his new boss.

7.   A reference to a critical article in the Tab newspapers disappeared.

8.   A. Actually, I was encouraged to write critical articles, but the fit became uncomfortable over time.

9.   But the fact that many doubt his denials may offer him some protection, by making journalists afraid to write critical articles about the sect.

10.   Chughtai has written articles critical of many prominent Pakistani immigrants in the neighborhood.

a. + article >>共 578
magazine 11.23%
recent 5.79%
genuine 3.70%
critical 3.70%
front-page 2.87%
first 1.78%
accompanying 1.70%
following 1.39%
publishing 1.35%
second 1.26%
critical + n. >>共 1206
condition 26.79%
issue 2.54%
time 2.30%
role 1.76%
moment 1.72%
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