1.   He also said Dole must be frustrated that international crises are diverting attention from the presidential campaign.

2.   Has the budget crisis diverted attention from privatization, as City Council Speaker Peter F. Vallone has suggested?

3.   In the quest, the traveler is focused on a destination, but is diverted by crises that lead to greater self-awareness.

4.   However, the Gulf crisis diverted the attention of U.S. policy makers for several weeks.

5.   However, the Gulf crisis diverted attention of U.S. policy makers for several week.

6.   However, the Persian Gulf crisis diverted attention of U.S. policy makers for several week.

7.   The draft statement said that the financial crisis should not divert attention from problems facing the poorest nations, most of them in Africa.

8.   Dealers have also expressed concern that the crisis might divert attention from the need for the government to announce measures quickly to reduce the budget deficit.

n. + divert >>共 227
police 4.01%
hijacker 2.41%
controller 2.41%
government 2.41%
company 2.41%
authority 2.14%
crisis 2.14%
worker 2.14%
state 2.14%
flight 1.87%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
divert 0.16%
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