1.   The European Trade Union Confederation requested a tripartite structure of employers, trade unions and the Commission, to be created to oversee its practical implementation.

2.   Although Messier emerged with his job, a new committee was created to oversee his strategic decisions.

3.   An independent body was created to oversee the elections, but irregularities have already been reported.

4.   Multicultural programs had grown in number and importance until an office was created to oversee them.

5.   The developer also said he would continue to work with the Lower Manhattan Development Corp., the agency created to oversee the reconstruction of Lower Manhattan.

6.   A special joint commission of high officials will be created to oversee the process and it could include a representative of a human rights organization.

7.   A third new ministry was created to oversee the smaller Grenadian islands of Carriacou and Petit Martinique, with Elvin Nimrod as its head.

8.   An inter-agency committee was created to oversee the establishment of the ID system and draft guidelines.

9.   Canada would be willing to contribute troops to an international force created to oversee implementation of a peace accord in the Middle East, Manley said.

10.   However, a commission was created to oversee police response to brutality complaints.

v. + oversee >>共 36
set_up 22.00%
create 17.00%
form 11.00%
establish 8.00%
return 5.00%
be 3.00%
arrive 2.00%
deploy 2.00%
retain 2.00%
use 2.00%
create + v. >>共 362
help 4.93%
use 4.70%
make 2.24%
provide 2.13%
oversee 1.90%
handle 1.68%
prevent 1.46%
protect 1.46%
deal 1.34%
give 1.23%
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