1.   Catacosinos and Catell said they would both begin negotiations with the Long Island Power Authority, a state agency created to deal with the LILCO problem.

2.   Cooley said the six new investigators would be assigned to a unit he plans to create to deal with organized crime and hate crimes.

3.   It is the first of a series of judgments planned at the United Nations tribunal created to deal with war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.

4.   The council is the most important body in the United Nations, created to deal with the dangerous international disputes.

5.   A special federal institution will be created to deal with the consequences of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict.

6.   The administration has refused to dip into the petroleum reserve, created to deal with national emergencies.

7.   The court was created to deal with the most heinous crimes -- genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

8.   The demonstrators have vowed to stay put until a comprehensive program is created to deal with their problems.

9.   The post of Deputy Government Counsel will be created to deal with the increasing volume and complexity of Chinese law.

10.   Therefore, he suggested that a new arms industry which produced non-lethal weapons be created to deal with them.

v. + deal >>共 148
set_up 12.68%
do 4.61%
call 4.32%
establish 4.03%
be 3.75%
use 3.46%
create 3.46%
develop 2.88%
form 2.59%
say 2.59%
create + v. >>共 362
help 4.93%
use 4.70%
make 2.24%
provide 2.13%
oversee 1.90%
handle 1.68%
prevent 1.46%
protect 1.46%
deal 1.34%
give 1.23%
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