1.   The real problem with so many teams losing money is that it has created this chasm between the haves and the have-nots.

2.   They fear that peace will disrupt their lives and create a chasm much wider and more fraught with danger than the rugged valley that now separates them.

3.   What created the chasm?

4.   But their poor showing in Japan has only created a chasm between the team - most of whom play in Spain and Italy - and the fans.

v. + chasm >>共 43
bridge 20.25%
close 6.33%
illustrate 6.33%
create 5.06%
fill 2.53%
explain 2.53%
cross 2.53%
discover 2.53%
leap 2.53%
leave 2.53%
create + n. >>共 1362
job 5.22%
problem 3.16%
opportunity 1.68%
condition 1.07%
program 0.94%
atmosphere 0.81%
chance 0.78%
tension 0.74%
illusion 0.71%
sense 0.67%
chasm 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4