1.   As depicted, they are windowless warrens of cramped cells, claustrophobic corridors and drab common areas.

2.   But he complained that he was still being kept in solitary confinement in a cramped cell, even after the court ordered improved quarters last week.

3.   Currently, the old jail on the top floors is a dank maze of walkways that wind around cramped cells, some lined with nine cots each.

4.   From her cramped cell at the Polk County Jail, Judith Key can hear the men during the day.

5.   In addition to cramped cells, prisoners convicted of terrorism are not allowed outside visitors for the first year of their sentence.

6.   Presently, Gao shares a cramped cell in Jinzhong prison.

7.   The complaints range from inadequate food and cramped cells to beatings by guards and psychological distress from being so far from their families.

8.   The initial torture session lasted six days, after which Johnson was tossed into a cramped cell, with a large rat as his only companion.

9.   A U.S.-built military base in Honduras contains cramped metal cells apparently used to torture and kill political prisoners, a top Honduran official said Thursday.

10.   He toured the island three years before his election, and insisted on crawling into a cramped holding cell.

a. + cell >>共 936
human 5.69%
terrorist 3.63%
immune 2.97%
new 2.79%
holding 2.26%
normal 2.16%
epithelial 2.06%
living 2.02%
cancerous 1.98%
embryonic 1.86%
cramped 0.22%
cramped + n. >>共 236
quarter 9.54%
apartment 6.62%
office 5.69%
space 4.00%
condition 4.00%
room 3.54%
cell 1.69%
cockpit 1.38%
confine 1.38%
kitchen 1.08%
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