1.   When he reached the Outer Wall he halted and dismounted, his cracked bones shouting at him.

2.   A CAT scan Monday revealed Kariya has a cracked bone in his right foot.

3.   But as it was, Charismatic had injuries described technically as a displaced condylar fracture of the cannon bone and a cracked sesamoid bone.

4.   But a magnetic resonance imaging test revealed the cracked bone.

5.   But the truth is that the cracked bone affected nerves from his left elbow to his fingertips.

6.   Charismatic was gallant in defeat, pressing the early pace and staying on gamely for third place despite sustaining a cracked bone in his left front ankle.

7.   Doctors will replace her shattered right eye socket and a cracked bone in her skull.

8.   It took a cracked bone to get me out of the lineup.

9.   Kariya has missed each of those games because of a cracked bone in his foot.

10.   The one major injury was a cracked bone in the left leg of Luc Robitaille.

a. + bone >>共 510
broken 29.84%
human 4.59%
brittle 2.27%
animal 2.23%
hip 1.75%
old 1.54%
small 1.46%
chicken 1.38%
strong 1.34%
fractured 1.34%
cracked 0.81%
cracked + n. >>共 211
rib 15.08%
wall 5.55%
bone 3.47%
hoof 2.43%
pipe 2.08%
ice 1.91%
open 1.91%
tile 1.91%
plaster 1.91%
pepper 1.73%
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