1.   After collecting a soil sample, they freeze and thaw it rapidly, thereby cracking open the microbes and releasing their genetic material.

2.   However, I truly enjoy cracking open those cute little delicacies that always accompany my order of sesame chicken and an egg roll.

3.   Russian soldiers guarding the government house can be seen cracking open their first beer for breakfast.

4.   The Cowboys are now Popeye after cracking open the can of spinach.

5.   The new systems allow a surgeon to perform a coronary artery bypass without cracking open the chest.

6.   Those who had remained in the district could be seen cracking open their windows or drawing aside curtains to take a cautious look at the new arrivals.

v. + open >>共 97
trade 12.24%
leave 7.14%
keep 6.12%
crack 3.06%
be 3.06%
throw 3.06%
trading 3.06%
train 2.55%
cut 2.04%
break 2.04%
crack + v. >>共 7
open 46.15%
down 15.38%
appear 7.69%
be 7.69%
develop 7.69%
make 7.69%
up 7.69%
每页显示:    共 6