1.   Does it taste as good as cow butter?

2.   I liked it better than cow butter with a minerally green like spinach.

3.   In a recipe for sables, which are delicious with cow butter, it might take a dairy farmer to notice the difference in flavor.

4.   They are delicious taken to school in a brown paper lunch sack, or sliced open while hot and mixed with cow butter.

5.   When I browned some butter in a small pan, it turned the color of a hazelnut and had the same nutty aroma that you get from cow butter.

6.   With our allegiances to cow butter, oils and lard, a new butter is bound to be met with suspicion.

n. + butter >>共 76
garlic 10.84%
apple 10.24%
heat 6.63%
nut 4.22%
cow 3.61%
herb 3.61%
truffle 3.01%
lemon 2.41%
basil 2.41%
anchovy 1.81%
cow + n. >>共 226
disease 62.59%
crisis 2.79%
pasture 2.40%
scare 2.18%
manure 1.95%
dung 1.62%
bell 1.34%
egg 1.28%
case 0.95%
brain 0.61%
butter 0.34%
每页显示:    共 6