1.   -- Insurers were barred from denying coverage to people changing jobs or with health problems.

2.   A key provision in the House and Senate bills would reduce the ability of insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes.

3.   A key provision would reduce the ability of insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes.

4.   A health plan could deny coverage to people who refused to give consent.

5.   A key provision in both bills would reduce the ability of insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes.

6.   Both bills would reduce the ability of insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions such as cancer or diabetes.

7.   In August, Clinton signed legislation that will make it harder for insurers to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions.

8.   It effectively bars insurance companies from denying coverage to people who have pre-existing medical conditions.

9.   It also will make it harder for an insurer to deny coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes or cancer.

10.   It would also limit the ability of insurers and employers to deny coverage to people with medical problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

n. + people >>共 150
most 23.91%
coverage 4.37%
more 4.08%
young 3.50%
many 3.21%
elderly 2.04%
few 2.04%
homeless 1.75%
lot 1.46%
rich 1.46%
coverage + v. >>共 248
be 30.43%
include 28.74%
have 1.41%
begin 1.19%
focus 1.12%
make 1.12%
people 1.05%
show 0.98%
become 0.91%
come 0.84%
每页显示:    共 15