1.   Advocates of this provision maintain that coverage limits or exclusions, common in insurance policies, are unfair.

2.   Current State Farm policyholders will be allowed to renew their home insurance and raise coverage limits, but many new applications will be rejected.

3.   Instead of dramatically raising coverage limits, some bankers want part of that surplus refunded to institutions that paid premiums.

4.   Some people oppose raising coverage limits because it would interfere with the free market, says Chessen.

5.   That means that those health plans cannot charge higher co-payments or impose different coverage limits on mental health benefits.

6.   The FDIC and the American Bankers Association, among others, favor raising coverage limits, but only as part of a comprehensive FDIC reform package.

7.   The pool also has agreed to raise the coverage limits, so more expensive homes and condominiums could be fully covered.

8.   Until recently, homeowners insurance companies could only sell in Texas policies with coverage limit set by regulators.

9.   Victor Natividad, controller for the FAIR plan, said homeowners are responsible for setting their own coverage limits.

10.   Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has strongly opposed an increase in the coverage limit, which has been pushed by the banking industry.

n. + limit >>共 450
term 27.47%
city 7.32%
debt 5.04%
age 4.17%
contribution 3.47%
campaign 1.91%
lifetime 1.74%
income 1.68%
salary 1.59%
ownership 1.48%
coverage 0.32%
coverage + n. >>共 138
plan 9.32%
area 8.82%
team 8.06%
skill 5.54%
decision 4.53%
limit 2.77%
requirement 2.52%
problem 2.27%
cost 2.02%
option 1.76%
每页显示:    共 11