1.   Propose new disarmament initiatives covering all categories of conventional and nuclear weapons.

2.   The law covers four categories of experiments.

3.   However, the complex law only covers certain categories of undocumented immigrants, many of whom may have been eligible to stay anyway.

4.   It covers every category.

5.   The list covers several categories, including food and beverage, books, toys and music.

6.   - in which we cover three categories of products--food, pharmaceuticals and household electrical appliances.

7.   In his document, the pope said there was no provision in church law to cover the category.

8.   The pope said there was no provision in church law to cover the category.

9.   Three categories will be covered by the award.

10.   What categories do you cover?

v. + category >>共 239
update 22.22%
fit 5.86%
have 2.85%
add 2.25%
create 2.10%
use 1.80%
include 1.80%
cover 1.80%
win 1.80%
eliminate 1.35%
cover + n. >>共 1321
cost 5.58%
face 2.56%
area 2.27%
head 1.61%
loss 1.60%
wall 1.50%
expense 1.39%
event 1.08%
body 1.06%
ground 1.06%
category 0.08%
每页显示:    共 12