1.   A tutorial covers the basics, including winemaking, storing, serving and tasting.

2.   After a few times at each step, the female voice simply utters a few words to cover the basics.

3.   All the basics are covered, from salads to hamburgers.

4.   First, they covered the basics, jawing and slapping, with ample assistance from the Niners.

5.   For those who are tempted there are clear, safe instructions that cover the basics of canning and pickling.

6.   Harris says each issue covers basics like aerobic and strength-training workouts, and she notes that beginner, intermediate and advanced levels are always addressed.

7.   In an ideal world, each of these sites would cover the basics for any Internet user.

8.   In addition to covering the basics of estate planning, Shenkman shows readers how the new tax code will affect planning already done.

9.   In color photographs and text, Pittman covers the basics of Texas caves and cave formations.

10.   It covers the basics of forty-two, checkers and many other games.

v. + basic >>共 98
learn 20.17%
teach 6.16%
cover 5.88%
master 5.60%
know 4.48%
explain 3.92%
understand 3.92%
lack 3.36%
include 2.80%
do 2.80%
cover + n. >>共 1321
cost 5.58%
face 2.56%
area 2.27%
head 1.61%
loss 1.60%
wall 1.50%
expense 1.39%
event 1.08%
body 1.06%
ground 1.06%
basic 0.13%
每页显示:    共 21