1.   One local priest has endured arrest and gone to court to obtain permission to conduct his sacrifices in public.

2.   And last week, Newman went to court to obtain an order to force the church to surrender internal documents.

3.   GAO officials said they could not recall another instance when the body had to go to court to obtain White House records.

4.   He then went to court to obtain custody, but two lower Illinois courts ruled against him.

5.   Some companies have paid to get their names, but others have gone to court to obtain addresses that they believe they own by right.

6.   She knew of no previous case in which the GAO was forced to go to court to obtain agency records.

7.   The genetic parents then have to go to court to obtain a new birth certificate with their names on it.

8.   Gbagbo, speaking on state television Wednesday, said Ouattara should go to court to obtain his Ivorian nationality certificate.

v. + obtain >>共 85
use 30.14%
court 4.31%
work 4.31%
display 2.87%
do 2.87%
destroy 2.87%
sue 2.87%
be 2.39%
can 1.91%
negotiate 1.91%
court + v. >>共 92
try 8.16%
rule 6.12%
win 5.31%
force 4.49%
challenge 4.49%
seek 4.49%
get 4.08%
block 3.67%
obtain 3.67%
stop 3.27%
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