1.   Our comprehensive course will help you buy with confidence and increase your enjoyment of different wines.

2.   The course helps older people to acquire computing skills.

3.   The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.

4.   The course helps women learn how to be more assertive in the workplace.

5.   The course will help students sharpen their writing skills.

6.   The course will help you hone your writing skills.

7.   This course will help you to upgrade your computer skills.

8.   This practical course helps you grasp the concepts and capabilities of the spreadsheet package.

9.   Authorities say the training courses have helped turn gun owners into responsible gun owners.

10.   Christina Perez, of the Boston-based antitesting group called Fairtest, said she believes the more intensive test-prep courses do help students improve their scores.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
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dollar 0.99%
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system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
course 0.08%
course + v. >>共 356
be 43.73%
have 3.60%
include 2.90%
play 2.04%
cover 1.39%
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give 0.94%
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