1.   However, countries will implement different parts of the pact at later dates.

2.   Just how the NATO countries will implement an oil embargo has yet to be decided.

3.   The broad accord goes into effect in January, but countries will implement different parts of the accord at later dates.

4.   Two countries have enacted partial implementation, and two other countries have only implemented one article.

5.   Until developed countries implement them, it will be hard to lean on potential or suspected rule-breakers elsewhere to do so.

6.   But economists say that is similar to controversial one-off schemes which other EU countries have implemented in their own rush to qualify for the euro.

7.   For the long term, the country should implement tax incentives for local electronics companies while seeking ways to develop IT personnel and create its own technology.

8.   He also will push for flexible targets so countries can implement them as cheaply as possible.

9.   He also wants the targets to be flexible so countries can implement them as cheaply as possible.

10.   He said his country could benefit if countries implement easier work rules for migrant laborers.

n. + implement >>共 187
government 19.80%
company 6.26%
owner 5.08%
country 4.74%
state 3.05%
side 2.71%
authority 2.20%
step 2.20%
agency 1.86%
leader 1.52%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
implement 0.10%
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