1.   Each party would be entitled to nominate one candidate, and the council would comprise those candidates who obtained the highest number of votes.

2.   Chaired by Lynn Martin, former U.S. secretary of labor, the council comprised business leaders with expertise in the area of women in the workplace.

3.   The tally was expected to show a clear victory for Arafat as president and a council comprised mainly of his followers to govern the transitional self-rule territories.

4.   The council comprises senior government and security officials and is chaired by President Omar el-Bashir.

5.   The fact that the council comprises scholars, researchers, experts and diplomats should make it resourceful enough to spearhead a breakthrough in Indonesian diplomacy.

6.   The ecumenical council comprises the Church of England, the Roman Catholic church, the Methodists, the Baptists and seven other Christian denominations.

7.   Until then, a five-member council comprised of representatives of warring factions and civilians will oversee the country.

8.   The state security council comprised the head of state, the chiefs of the police and the military, and key cabinet ministers.

9.   This council would comprise one-third Yeltsin supporters, one-third Zyuganov supporters, and one-third other parliamentary forces.

10.   The council comprised Malan and senior military officers, most of whom are now among the accused in the KwaMakhutha trial.

n. + comprise >>共 390
group 10.03%
committee 4.85%
team 3.88%
alliance 1.94%
opposition 1.62%
government 1.62%
council 1.62%
delegation 1.51%
commission 1.40%
board 1.19%
council + v. >>共 635
be 10.17%
say 6.33%
have 5.37%
meet 3.08%
approve 2.25%
decide 2.07%
take 1.94%
agree 1.92%
consider 1.80%
call 1.45%
comprise 0.29%
每页显示:    共 15