1.   Do you know how much it costs to repair a hole in a sofa cushion?

2.   How much will it cost to repair Sapna?

3.   Now picture yourself in federal court, calculating the amount of money it will cost to repair the ecosystem your progeny have violated.

4.   State officials have not determined how much damage was caused in the accident or what it will cost to repair.

5.   There was no estimate of what it will cost to repair the damaged property.

v. + repair >>共 63
work 21.71%
use 16.45%
do 8.55%
cost 3.29%
sell 2.63%
spend 2.63%
battle 1.97%
rush 1.97%
launch 1.97%
insert 1.32%
cost + v. >>共 149
make 7.34%
build 5.50%
produce 5.50%
buy 4.28%
replace 3.36%
cut 3.36%
get 2.75%
repair 1.53%
rebuild 1.53%
restore 1.53%
每页显示:    共 5