1.   Any new in-house benefits an employer provides should be computed on a Marginal cost basis.

2.   Consultants undertook the highways valuation on a depreciated replacement cost basis.

3.   Had your daughter inherited the stocks, her cost basis would move up to the value at the time of the inheritance.

4.   The lower courts have approved the average cost basis, as contended by the Crown.

5.   Exceptional restructuring costs resulted in an overall loss for the year on both an historical and a replacement cost basis.

6.   The question has been designed to allow discussion around the stock valuation method, and the choice of absorption or marginal cost basis.

7.   The ESRC Data Archive is non-profit making and can undertake services on a cost recovery basis.

8.   Also, will there be any change in our cost basis for these stocks?

9.   Also, what would be my cost basis if I sell the stock later?

10.   An overhaul of the official subsidy system could transform the cost basis of production.

n. + basis >>共 353
cost 8.76%
trial 6.45%
first-name 5.97%
contract 4.33%
outpatient 4.14%
project 2.79%
cash 2.02%
test 1.73%
pay-per-view 1.15%
first-serve 1.06%
cost + n. >>共 416
saving 14.28%
estimate 6.72%
control 5.54%
increase 3.97%
cut 3.90%
reduction 3.86%
cutting 3.52%
basis 3.17%
structure 2.92%
index 2.44%
每页显示:    共 90