1.   As for power, cordless tools, are the way to go.

2.   Cordless tools are hot right now because new ones are more powerful and have a longer battery life.

3.   Power tools are another item to consider, including the cordless tools, which have been around a while but are better than ever.

4.   The first question we all want answered when any new cordless tool hits the marketplace is how close does it come to corded-tool performance.

a. + tool >>共 1017
new 4.89%
marketing 4.12%
powerful 3.53%
important 3.08%
useful 2.70%
effective 1.93%
valuable 1.66%
political 1.58%
stone 1.54%
teaching 1.48%
cordless 0.08%
cordless + n. >>共 44
phone 46.93%
telephone 20.94%
drill 4.33%
mouse 4.33%
microphone 2.89%
handset 1.44%
tool 1.44%
headset 1.08%
keyboard 1.08%
model 1.08%
每页显示:    共 4