1.   He has set up a science and technology management group within the DoI which coordinates the work of its different divisions.

2.   There were also problems in coordinating the work of the three different groups or shifts.

3.   To coordinate this work, the existing nuclei of these parties must be brought together in an international organization.

4.   J. W. Forrester coordinated work on such a model and gives details of the methods and findings of his work.

5.   And in any case, before the two nations coordinate their work to secure the border, they must resolve some deep internal discords.

6.   Astea develops and markets interactive computer software, allowing organizations with geographically dispersed units to coordinate their work.

7.   Asked if the companies had coordinated their work with the government, an official from an international bank just smiled.

8.   At the same time, a civilian task force set up to coordinate rebuilding work in the country is lagging behind, Bacon said.

9.   Barner acted as site leader last week, coordinating the work of dozens of other out-of-state volunteers.

10.   Aides to Gore met with cabinet officials in the fall to coordinate their work with that of the campaign.

v. + work >>共 737
do 16.57%
find 5.32%
begin 4.98%
complete 3.35%
start 3.00%
continue 2.29%
finish 2.24%
resume 2.02%
have 1.96%
make 1.71%
coordinate 0.29%
coordinate + n. >>共 458
effort 15.75%
policy 6.28%
activity 5.06%
operation 3.18%
action 3.01%
response 2.49%
work 2.31%
position 1.88%
aid 1.70%
strategy 1.70%
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