1.   Add to omelettes with spring onions and fresh coriander, and also cooked noodles and fried rice.

2.   Add cooked noodles and stir to mix well with sauce.

3.   Add the cooked noodles and herbs and cook just until the noodles are hot.

4.   Add chicken, parsley and cooked noodles to the prepared stock.

5.   Check seasonings and serve hot with cooked noodles.

6.   Garnish with sliced green onions and serve with steamed rice or cooked noodles, if desired.

7.   In other paintings, he produces striated textures by gluing cooked noodles to the canvas.

8.   Pour the marsala sauce over the meat and this should serve four, with cooked noodles.

9.   Serve over cooked noodles.

10.   Serve the fish and sauce over cooked Asian noodles or make noodles out of cucumbers.

a. + noodle >>共 123
instant 20.76%
chicken 6.84%
cold 6.33%
asian 5.57%
cooked 3.54%
buttered 2.53%
remaining 2.28%
fried 2.28%
chinese 2.28%
fresh 2.28%
cooked + n. >>共 230
pasta 7.49%
rice 6.67%
food 5.50%
meat 4.80%
chicken 4.68%
vegetable 3.28%
bean 2.34%
shrimp 2.22%
potato 1.87%
bacon 1.76%
noodle 1.64%
每页显示:    共 14