1.   Furthermore, as we have seen in the discussion of Marxist accounts, monocausal explanations do not provide particularly convincing arguments.

2.   I have never found this a convincing argument.

3.   The problem is to find a convincing argument for local ethical scepticism which has no expansionist tendencies.

4.   This book will not provide the convincing argument for change.

5.   This is potentially the most convincing argument.

6.   We need to provide a convincing argument as to why the system should be changed.

7.   That seemed to me to be a fairly convincing argument, and I was too tired to put up much of a fight.

8.   The conventions about what counts as a convincing argument vary with time and place.

9.   They were like -- this was not a convincing argument.

a. + argument >>共 903
closing 13.01%
oral 5.85%
legal 4.41%
opening 3.35%
final 3.00%
same 2.94%
heated 2.93%
strong 2.13%
similar 1.74%
good 1.70%
convincing 1.15%
convincing + n. >>共 371
evidence 9.44%
victory 7.98%
win 6.52%
argument 5.74%
case 5.26%
explanation 2.43%
performance 2.34%
proof 1.85%
reason 1.56%
people 1.36%
每页显示:    共 59