1.   A manslaughter conviction would require proof of recklessness or, possibly, gross negligence.

2.   A conviction would require a vote of two-thirds of the Senate.

3.   A first-degree murder conviction requires prosecutors to show that a defendant intentionally murdered her victim.

4.   A first-degree murder conviction would require the jury to additionally find the murder was premeditated, the jury instruc tions say.

5.   A murder conviction requires proof of an intention to kill.

6.   A military conviction requires only two thirds of jury members to vote yes instead of the unanimous decision required in civilian criminal trials.

7.   Conviction does not require proof of murder, however.

8.   Conviction requires a two-thirds majority of those voting.

9.   Conviction requires a two-thirds vote, which no one now believes is attainable.

10.   Conviction requires a vote of two-thirds of the tribunal, and the death penalty requires a unanimous vote of seven members.

n. + require >>共 1117
law 13.33%
rule 3.41%
bill 2.73%
plan 1.63%
regulation 1.59%
state 1.57%
agreement 1.50%
government 1.31%
job 1.25%
measure 1.18%
conviction 0.17%
conviction + v. >>共 164
be 30.64%
carry 8.82%
come 3.55%
result 3.43%
bring 3.43%
require 2.94%
mean 2.94%
lead 2.57%
bar 1.84%
stand 1.72%
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