1.   In San Francisco, lilacs are a sure-fire conversation stopper.

2.   His comment was a conversation stopper.

3.   Four thousand goose-grazing hours an acre are not to be bandied about lightly as a conversation stopper.

4.   For many people, checking Web sites acts as a conversation stopper that is bound to worsen with the proliferation of Internet-enabled phones and hand-held computers.

5.   In these books, history and tradition are not conversation stoppers, not concepts to be invoked with a respectful hush.

6.   It was a conversation stopper.

n. + stopper >>共 30
show 20.25%
run 12.66%
rubber 10.13%
conversation 8.86%
bullpen 6.33%
cork 3.80%
drain 3.80%
traffic 3.80%
crime 2.53%
staff 2.53%
conversation + n. >>共 96
starter 8.38%
topic 6.15%
bubble 5.03%
stopper 3.91%
turn 3.91%
going 3.35%
drift 3.35%
group 2.23%
area 2.23%
fodder 1.68%
每页显示:    共 7