1.   Bits of conversations drift through screened windows and wooden louvered shutters.

2.   Inevitably, the conversation drifts back to the Nazi era.

3.   Muffled conversation drifts across the field from the half-dozen men who help with the weeding.

4.   Radio conversations drift out of other aid compounds, as agency workers check in with their own support bases.

5.   So the conversation drifts off in yet another direction.

6.   The conversation drifts back to the literary life.

n. + drift >>共 132
snow 16.53%
pressure 12.29%
conversation 2.54%
music 1.69%
people 1.69%
system 1.69%
wind 1.69%
cloud 1.27%
spray 1.27%
moment 0.85%
conversation + n. >>共 96
starter 8.38%
topic 6.15%
bubble 5.03%
stopper 3.91%
turn 3.91%
going 3.35%
drift 3.35%
group 2.23%
area 2.23%
fodder 1.68%
每页显示:    共 6