1.   A guy walks around the convention floor with a boa constrictor around his neck.

2.   A proposed resolution to oppose voucher plans and charter schools provoked a spirited debate on the convention floor.

3.   Although the lobbying effort appeared to help proponents avoid an intense discussion on the convention floor this morning, some dissenting voices received applause after they were heard.

4.   And a New York delegate waving a gay pride flag on the convention floor drew a thumbs up sign from another delegate.

5.   And for the first time, the Republican Party will be presenting its own coverage from the convention floor via the World Wide Web.

6.   And then there was the time spent on the convention floor, surrounded by cheering, like-minded party workers, entertained by celebrities for hours on end.

7.   And when one of the highest-ranking Latinos in Congress spoke on the convention floor, he was preempted by a commercial.

8.   Angry shouting erupted from the convention floor and the bishops on the dais, and there was a brief attempt to evict reporters.

9.   As Mrs. Dole spoke, the video image of husband watching her on television, alternated with images of her on the convention floor.

10.   As Bush headed into one of the temporary television studios off the convention floor, Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition, waited outside for his turn.

n. + floor >>共 422
dance 13.12%
ocean 7.66%
hardwood 4.60%
kitchen 4.38%
convention 3.84%
factory 3.55%
tile 2.96%
dirt 2.82%
forest 2.55%
parquet 2.37%
convention + n. >>共 359
hall 12.88%
floor 9.07%
delegate 7.99%
speech 4.82%
site 3.11%
planner 2.73%
business 2.28%
organizer 2.09%
coverage 1.78%
speaker 1.59%
每页显示:    共 142