1.   Care should be exercised with convection ovens to prevent solution ingress to the motor.

2.   Roasting in a convection oven, which circulates hot air over the surface of the food, works beautifully.

3.   This process is much simpler and quicker than cleaning a convection oven.

4.   A convection oven is only available on electric models.

5.   Convection ovens, which use powerful blowers to spread heat throughout the cooking area, are gaining in popularity.

6.   Drying will take about four hours in a convection oven, six to eight hours in a regular oven.

7.   He has added a rotisserie, and wants to install a Spanish plancha griddle and more convection ovens to vary the searing and roasting.

8.   If you have a convection oven, you can arrange the oven racks close together.

9.   It has a convection oven, a gas oven, a counter-top grill.

n. + oven >>共 67
toaster 26.67%
convection 9.17%
gas 7.08%
pizza 6.67%
brick 6.25%
clay 5.00%
bread 3.33%
coal 1.67%
coke 1.67%
mud 1.67%
convection + n. >>共 9
oven 55.00%
cell 15.00%
experiment 7.50%
model 7.50%
current 5.00%
column 2.50%
funnel 2.50%
motion 2.50%
speed 2.50%
每页显示:    共 22