1.   Controversy rages, but there is at least agreement that the sensitive sites should be preserved.

2.   As the controversy rages, Adickes said he actively is looking for property for two other presidential head parks.

3.   A controversy has raged among shooters whether non-toxic substitute shot is as effective as lead and whether it damages shotguns.

4.   But as this controversy raged, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation aired a report charging that Day, a former lay pastor, holds creationist beliefs.

5.   But controversy raged.

6.   Controversies will rage over new taxes and over the few meager cost-containment provisions in the Mitchell and Gephardt bills.

7.   Controversy rages everywhere, everywhere.

8.   Controversy rages among etymologists over the meaning of huff.

9.   For months a trash disposal controversy has raged.

10.   For years, a nationwide controversy raged over whether use of the hormone would detract from the quality of milk or reduce milk prices because of the enlarged supply.

n. + rage >>共 155
battle 18.14%
debate 15.15%
fire 14.70%
war 6.89%
violence 3.44%
controversy 3.10%
argument 2.87%
clash 1.72%
conflict 1.26%
storm 1.15%
controversy + v. >>共 376
be 22.68%
erupt 3.37%
arise 3.12%
surround 3.07%
come 2.88%
begin 2.10%
dog 1.85%
continue 1.76%
have 1.66%
swirl 1.46%
rage 1.32%
每页显示:    共 27