1.   If there are any legal points of substance in the contract terms they should be dealt with by professionals.

2.   Whether the agreement takes the form of a contract term or notice, it will be regulated by statute.

3.   The reference to agreement or otherwise, means that the duty can be excluded etc. by means of a contract term or by a notice communicated to the visitor.

4.   This may include sections that are not part of the main rulebook, eg as contract terms.

5.   Briefly it provides that this must be done in accordance with the contract terms.

6.   The problem is essentially concerned with the effect of certain types of contract term.

7.   The client may adopt less stringent quality control or other relevant procedures, in the belief that it is protected by its contract terms.

8.   It is a fundamental rule of English contract law that new contract terms cannot be introduced after the formation of the contract.

9.   And if Congress intervenes, she said, it is likely to impose the less palatable contract terms recommended last week by a presidential emergency board.

10.   And finally, he said, all contract term periods should be considered negotiable, even if they appear etched in stone.

n. + term >>共 419
prison 19.42%
jail 13.18%
five-year 12.97%
four-year 9.15%
life 5.17%
six-year 4.52%
two-year 3.51%
dollar 2.78%
three-year 2.29%
seven-year 1.71%
contract 1.56%
contract + n. >>共 557
extension 15.42%
talk 8.55%
negotiation 8.55%
dispute 6.76%
offer 4.09%
killing 3.21%
worker 2.57%
agreement 2.38%
proposal 1.86%
term 1.79%
每页显示:    共 92