1.   Another item is the continuity tester.

2.   Before testing any electrical component with the continuity tester, it is a good idea to test the tester.

3.   A continuity tester is an inexpensive, battery-powered light with a probe at one end and a wired clip at the other.

4.   The best way to check out a power cord is with a continuity tester or an ohm meter.

5.   To do that test the switch with a continuity tester by touching one probe to the common terminal and the other to a traveler terminal.

6.   With the continuity tester touch the alligator clip to one fuse contact and the metal probe to the other.

7.   You can, however, test it with a continuity tester.

n. + tester >>共 59
drug 13.51%
circuit 10.81%
software 7.43%
beta 6.76%
recipe 6.76%
taste 5.41%
continuity 4.73%
product 4.05%
cake 3.38%
food 2.70%
continuity + n. >>共 20
tester 21.88%
equation 12.50%
plan 6.25%
theory 6.25%
view 6.25%
candidate 3.13%
check 3.13%
correction 3.13%
effort 3.13%
elsewhere 3.13%
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