1.   On assuming office in September Price had promised to continue the talks with Guatemala started under the previous UDP administration.

2.   The SDLP had called on the Unionist parties to give a guarantee to continue the talks after the election regardless of its outcome.

3.   Chechnia and Tatarstan, constituent republics of the RF demanding independent status, continued their talks with RF representatives during September.

4.   Also Tuesday, a Pentagon delegation continued private talks with Pakistani military officials over cooperation in the event of a US-led strike against Afghanistan.

5.   Also, the provision in the agreement committing Israel to continue peace talks led opposition leader Ariel Sharon to say he would not join a proposed alliance with Barak.

6.   And negotiations that could yet result in a consensus plan to tax Internet sales continued Monday night as Waitt and Kirk met here to continue their talks.

7.   And Kim stressed that in their meetings, he and Bush had committed to continue talks to resolve problems with North Korea.

8.   As cigarette makers and anti-smoking forces continue settlement talks, investors, even those tolerant of high risk, should brace for wild cards.

9.   At one point, aides said GOP leaders would agree only to continue budget talks with Clinton through the weekend unless substantial progress was made.

10.   Banks and unions are continuing their talks to hammer out details.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
continue + n. >>共 652
effort 4.37%
talk 4.19%
work 3.67%
negotiation 2.76%
investigation 2.54%
search 2.54%
discussion 2.04%
attack 2.04%
operation 1.91%
fight 1.78%
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