1.   However, since rhyme monitoring involves word identification it will also show the same context effects as word monitoring.

2.   In this chapter, we illustrated such pragmatic influences on processing by discussing context effects.

3.   One effect comes from the use of general knowledge about the world - we will call this a general context effect.

4.   This of course has the advantage of controlling for context effects by making the context the same for everyone.

5.   This is what we have termed a right context effect.

6.   The systems essentially devised two ways of incorporating these right context effects.

7.   But since only the score achieved so far is used, no account is taken of the possibility of right context effects increasing the score of the whole path.

n. + effect >>共 633
health 11.79%
knock-on 5.10%
year 2.72%
wealth 2.72%
multiplier 2.55%
take 2.49%
spillover 2.44%
contagion 2.04%
snowball 1.59%
tax 1.19%
context 0.40%
context + n. >>共 18
clue 18.92%
effect 18.92%
change 10.81%
menu 8.11%
information 5.41%
matter 5.41%
age 2.70%
banner 2.70%
can 2.70%
chapter 2.70%
每页显示:    共 7