1.   Anthrax is an infectious disease of animals that can infect humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling the contaminated spores.

2.   Anthrax is an infectious disease of animals that can spread to humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling contaminated spores.

3.   Anthrax is an infectious disease of animals that can spread to humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling the contaminated spores.

4.   The disease also can spread to humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling the contaminated spores.

5.   The disease can spread to humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling contaminated spores.

a. + spore >>共 75
bacterial 11.90%
deadly 8.33%
airborne 7.74%
single 6.55%
live 4.76%
microscopic 3.57%
contaminated 2.98%
tiny 2.98%
harmless 1.79%
dry 1.79%
contaminated + n. >>共 285
water 14.61%
food 7.04%
blood 5.16%
meat 3.89%
soil 3.49%
site 3.22%
area 2.75%
needle 2.48%
land 2.35%
beef 2.35%
spore 0.34%
每页显示:    共 5