1.   The capacity to build a relationship contains the essence of any social work interaction.

2.   This article contains the essence of both trips.

3.   Why, it might contain the essence of life itself.

4.   Both perfumes contain traditional essences of jasmine and rose.

5.   The measure contains the essence of the tax package President Bush campaigned for last year and proposed to Congress this year as his top legislative priority.

6.   This contains the essence of her new game.

v. + essence >>共 120
capture 27.62%
distill 3.85%
contain 2.80%
represent 2.80%
understand 2.10%
lose 2.10%
see 1.75%
convey 1.75%
learn 1.75%
reflect 1.40%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
essence 0.06%
每页显示:    共 8