1.   A revised edition now contains a chapter about the movie.

2.   How can a scroll containing Christian chapters be found among scrolls that are supposedly pre-Christian?

3.   The standard juristic treatises on sharia normally contain a chapter on jihad, understood in the military sense as regular warfare against infidels and apostates.

4.   It also contains a chapter on handling negotiations, conflict and criticism.

5.   The book is an autobiography of the Moroccan writer and contains chapters in which he writes about homosexual experiences.

6.   The draft contains a chapter on the rights and duties of journalists and provisions guaranteeing more freedoms and rights for journalists and publishers, Salihein said.

v. + chapter >>共 168
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contain 1.04%
contain + n. >>共 1282
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provision 1.82%
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每页显示:    共 6