1.   In terms of dietary needs and actual consumption patterns, they have a gathering economy supplemented by both hunting and horticulture.

2.   Like Marketing, it classifies informants according to sociological classes combined with consumption patterns.

3.   Most commercial Market research is concerned simply with measuring consumption patterns, and that requires far less accuracy than political research.

4.   Once again substitution and income effects operate to give a change in the optimum consumption pattern.

5.   Second, environmental problems were not caused by consumption patterns in the South but by the lifestyles of people in the North.

6.   The change in relative prices causes consumption patterns to alter.

7.   The application of the structure of the indirect tax system to the estimated consumption patterns in each group enables the integration of the indirect with the direct tax system.

8.   A growing national income would ease the political and social difficulties of redistribution and allow the provision of more generous social benefits which would help to equalise consumption patterns.

n. + pattern >>共 770
weather 18.54%
traffic 2.78%
speech 1.96%
sleep 1.78%
pass 1.52%
wind 1.48%
flight 1.48%
post 1.48%
consumption 1.48%
migration 1.33%
consumption + n. >>共 100
tax 33.07%
increase 9.56%
pattern 7.97%
expenditure 2.99%
hike 2.79%
level 2.79%
figure 2.39%
rate 2.19%
goods 2.19%
growth 2.19%
每页显示:    共 40