1.   A self-guided tour will be followed by a classroom lecture and hands-on experience with construction techniques will be offered in a shop setting.

2.   Aiding the reader are a glossary and dozens of simple illustrations depicting ships, weapons, architectural features, construction techniques and simple machines.

3.   Building a wall does not require arcane construction techniques, but it does demand a strong back and plenty of muscle power.

4.   Construction techniques can also affect how a mortar joint weather.

5.   Green argues that with the development of modern construction techniques, office buildings do not wear out.

6.   He became a proponent of prefabricated housing early in his career, when he conducted research for the John B. Pierce Foundation on cheaper, more efficient construction techniques.

7.   His company works with developers to change their construction techniques to reduce costs and warranty claims.

8.   I think he probably specified a stronger construction technique of the Cuben-fiber sail.

9.   The contract allowed Navistar to shuffle job descriptions and implement new construction techniques.

10.   The property is classified commercial because the construction techniques are more like those used for an office building than a home, Wilde said.

n. + technique >>共 826
management 4.65%
relaxation 2.68%
production 1.75%
computer 1.59%
survival 1.48%
construction 1.20%
research 1.09%
laboratory 0.82%
simulation 0.82%
measurement 0.77%
construction + n. >>共 572
company 11.49%
worker 10.89%
site 9.42%
project 7.62%
industry 5.92%
work 4.87%
material 2.66%
crew 2.31%
firm 1.96%
equipment 1.64%
technique 0.24%
每页显示:    共 22