1.   Considering the high contents and the great variety of accompanying organic material, the feasibility of SPME-GC-MS analysis has been tested.

2.   The fracture toughness of the composite is modeled by considering the additive influence of the ductile phase reinforcement (Ashby model) and the residual porosity (exponential model).

3.   The mechanism modelling of the lateral compositional modulation is discussed considering the initial growth of films largely mismatched to bottom crystals.

4.   Further, a method, by means of which the syzygies of degree2 in these concomitants can be obtained, is described and is illustrated by considering two irreducible spinors of type[3/2].

5.   When considering the latter, we argue that the difference found for the KSKS and the K+K- integrated cross sections can be attributed to the s-channel isovector component.

6.   Considering the species composition of the larval assemblages, the site at the inflow of the stream into the lake was the most different (38%) from the others, and was 62% similar to them.

7.   The usefulness of choosing a covariant description is demonstrated by considering the crossing matrices for helicity and transversity amplitudes as transformations between sets of such operators.

8.   The first-order kinetic parameter value of this model varied from 0.46 to 0.81 h1 considering the lowest and highest temperature studied.

9.   Demand can be exactly met considering the defective components present in the supply.

10.   By considering a gamma frailty model, often the issue is to find an appropriate model for the baseline hazard function.

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