1.   Nonetheless the rebels immediately announced their rejection of the new Constitution on the grounds that it had been adopted by a National Assembly which the MNR considered invalid.

2.   Church law bars divorce in all cases but allows for annulment, a process that essentially concludes a marriage considered invalid in the first place.

3.   First, the inspection documents provided by the Florida producers were considered invalid by Chinese customs authorities.

4.   Frowick and Kornblum both said that any such vote would be considered invalid.

5.   Gusinsky now says he signed the sale agreement under duress and considers it invalid.

6.   His lawyers said his confession should be considered invalid, because he was of abnormally low intelligence.

7.   Medvedev said Yeltsin had planned to touch upon the calls for the current election law to be considered invalid in his meeting with Satarov.

8.   Omar, an ANC member, revealed the amnesty granted the police Thursday night to The Star newspaper of Johannesburg, but said he considered it invalid.

9.   President Alija Izetbegovic warned Serbs that if they fail to implement a peace deal, the government would consider it invalid and return to war.

10.   The International Cycling Union said the tests were considered invalid because the test forms filled out by riders were available only in the local language, Flemish.

v. + invalid >>共 8
declare 64.95%
consider 10.31%
make 7.22%
render 6.19%
deem 5.15%
judge 3.09%
find 2.06%
call 1.03%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
invalid 0.12%
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