1.   Both those deals are now considered dead.

2.   A Campbell spokesman said that as long as the administration opposes the deal, the Senator considers it dead.

3.   But lawmakers and lobbyists said it would be a mistake to consider them dead.

4.   Given the tidal wave in favor of government retrenchment and budget-cutting, that sort of ambitious program is widely considered dead for now.

5.   I entered the telecommunications business when it was considered dead.

6.   In much of the developed world, however, a person is considered dead if the brain stops functioning, when healthy organs can still be removed.

7.   The amendment had been considered dead, but was revived in the state Senate at the last minute Thursday night by majority leader Joseph Bruno.

8.   These provisions, only a few weeks ago, had been considered dead.

9.   A dozen years ago the famous forest was considered all but dead, the casualty of ecological calamity, supposedly attacked by pollutants and climatic changes.

10.   The bill has passed the Senate but is considered dead in the House this year.

v. + dead >>共 35
shoot 45.83%
find 27.82%
pronounce 7.25%
presume 6.04%
declare 4.36%
leave 2.73%
believe 1.66%
report 1.45%
want 0.69%
consider 0.31%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
dead 0.16%
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