71.   I'm considering of getting a Poken.

72.   I'm CONSIDERING opening them lol Possibly waiting till after October to see if I can get Kylie to sign hers.

73.   I'm considering opening up a restaruant called "Om nom nom nom's."

74.   I'm considering pissing the day away playing Civ IV.

75.   I'm considering polygamy.

76.   I'm considering putting dog poo through the letter box

77.   I'm considering quitting my job and taking up Sleep full-time.

78.   I'm considering replaying 7 afterthe One Wing Angel performance.

79.   I'm considering self-hosting my digital palimpsest via Wordpress.org...Can I expect headaches or hijinx?

80.   I'm considering selling mine on the ebay, just for the money

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